Casey at the Bat Response

The poem “Casey at the Bat,” written by Ernest Lawrence Thayer, is about a baseball player named Casey. Casey plays for the mudville team and they’re losing. When it’s Casey’s turn everyone thinks he will save the game and that they will win. When he comes up to bat he strikes out and the mudville team ends up losing. It’s clear that Casey let his team down because he was too confident in himself. 

Casey is over-confident in himself because he thinks that there is no way that he will strike out. According to the text, Casey missed the first two balls on purpose! Casey said, “That ain’t my style,” and let the ball pass. This evidence proves that Casey was so overly confident that he didn’t even try when the first two balls were pitched. He thought that there was no way that he would miss the last pitch and ruin it for the whole team. Casey thought that he would be the one person to save the game. 

Even though Casey is a pretty good baseball player, he was careless, reckless and overconfident with the first 2 pitches. He didn’t pay attention to the first 2 pitches as they were thrown past him, he said “that aint my style” and watched as the ball passed. The author wants the readers to remember that Casey was overly confident in himself and that even the best players can make mistakes sometimes.

Innovation Day Reflection


The 11th of February was Innovation Day, Innovation Day is a thing that our school does every year. We normally have from a month to 5 weeks of time to build our Innovation Day projects.

The Theme:

This year’s theme for Grade 5 was Bionic Implants. We could choose between a Bionic eye, ear, arm, hand, leg, foot and insulin pump.

What We Chose:

My partners name is Raz. Raz and I chose to make a Bionic/Prosthetic arm + hand. Raz and I chose to make a Bionic arm because we thought that it would be cool to experience making/creating a bionic arm.

What It’s Made Out Of:

We made our bionic arm out of plastic bottles and tape and we made the hand part out of clay and tinfoil. If we could make it again we would try to make it look more realistic and more functional. By more functional I mean that we would try to make it able to move on its own. How would we have done that? I have no clue! but I do know that we would have figured it out.

What Was Challenging:

The only thing that was really hard at first was deciding what to make. Once we decided what to make we discovered that there were many more challenges. For example: we didn’t know what to make the hand out of, we didn’t know how we would possibly make the hand that was very heavy stick to the arm. (That was very light) and finally we didn’t know what colour to paint the model!

Next Year:

Next year I’m in middle school and that means that there will be judges. The judges go around while you present and see who is the most confident and whose project is the best. Then there is 3rd 2nd and 1st place in grade 6 7 and 8. I personally really enjoyed seeing all of the projects and they were very cool. I can’t wait for next year w=for when I get to build stuff like that.


My Hobby

Hi again guys today I will be talking about my hobby
I have a lot of things I like to do with my free time so here they are: Reading, Painting, Sculpting, Playing with my dog and lastly calling my friends.  I also LOVE hanging out with my friends. If I had to recommend one of the hobbies I mentioned to you I would recommend reading I just love to read and I especially love to read outside when it is warm and just sit on the grass. To me that is really relaxing and calming. If you don’t like reading then I would recommend my second favourite thing to do I would recommend to paint or sculpt. 

Mythical Creature MC

Hello world! How have you been???

I for one have been doing great. This is my Mythical Creature it is an Axolotl that is on Flames. Here is a picture of my MC Mythical Creature.

My Mythical Creature comes from ancient Greece, Underwater but ancient Greece. My Mythical Creature’s purpose is to be the only animal that can Carry Fire without hurting others instead it heals them. My MC is the only animal that can bring fire underwater without the fire going out.

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